



Open Access Article

International Journal of Pediatrics Research. 2023; 3: (2) ; 1-4 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijped.20230008.

Clinical study on evaluating heart rate variability in children with myocarditis of different age groupsbased on 24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram

作者: 张麟 *, 李波

昆明医科大学第二附属医院 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 张麟,单位:昆明医科大学第二附属医院 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2023-04-24 总浏览量: 523


目的 为浅析不同年龄段儿童心肌炎心率变化情况,采取24h动态心电图评估,分析其变异性特点。方法 起止时间:2020年,终止时间:2022年,收集我院该阶段参与治疗的心肌炎患儿为研究分析对象,共计人数90人,分为幼儿组(年龄<3岁)、学龄前组(年龄3-6岁),每组例数45人。另选同期在我院体检的健康儿童作为对照,共计人数82人,分为幼儿对照组、学龄前对照组,每组例数41人,观察心率变异性特点。结果 幼儿组最快心率、最慢心率、平均心率均高于学龄前组,P<0.05;幼儿组SDNN、sDANN、PNN50、rMSSD均低于学龄前组,P<0.05。幼儿组SDNN、sDaNN、PNN50、rMSSD均低于幼儿对照组,P<0.05;学龄前组SDNN、PNN50、rMSSD均低于学龄前对照组,P<0.05。结论 在24h动态心电图评估下,不同年龄段患儿因发育情况不同,导致心率变异指标各有不同,24h动态心电图心率变异性特点可为临床诊断提供依据,值得推广。

关键词: 24h动态心电图;心肌炎;心率


Objective To analyze the changes of heart rate in children with myocarditis in different age groups, and to evaluate the variability by 24h holter electrocardiogram.
Methods Starting and ending time: 2020, ending time :2022. A total of 90 children with myocarditis who participated in the treatment in our hospital at this stage were collected as the research analysis objects, and were divided into the infant group (age <3 years old) and the preschool group (age 3-6 years old), with 45 patients in each group. A total of 82 healthy children who underwent physical examination in our hospital during the same period were selected as the control group, divided into infant control group and preschool control group, with 41 cases in each group, and the characteristics of heart rate variability were observed.
Results The fastest heart rate, slowest heart rate and average heart rate in infant group were higher than those in preschool group (P<0.05). SDNN, sDANN, PNN50 and rMSSD in infant group were lower than those in preschool group (P<0.05). SDNN, sDaNN, PNN50 and rMSSD in infantile group were lower than those in control group, P<0.05; SDNN, PNN50 and rMSSD in preschool group were lower than those in preschool control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Under 24h holter ECG assessment, the heart rate variability index of children in different age groups is different due to different development conditions. The heart rate variability characteristics of 24h holter ECG can provide evidence for clinical diagnosis and is worth promoting.

Key words: 24 hour dynamic electrocardiogram; Myocarditis; Heart rate

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