



Open Access Article

International Journal of Pediatrics Research. 2022; 2: (4) ; 16-19 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijped.20220043.

The Research Progress of Modified Pediatric Early Warning Score

作者: 向德航 *

昆明市妇幼保健院急诊科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 向德航,单位:昆明市妇幼保健院急诊科 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2022-12-28 总浏览量: 504


如何在拥挤的急诊环境中快速、准确地识别出危重或潜在危重患儿一直都是儿科急诊领域研究的重要内容。近年来国内外学者提出了一种病情评估工具:儿童早期预警评分(Pediatric Early Warning Score, PEWS),应用客观生理指标进行科学的病情判断。在结合各地医疗现状的基础上不断改良,形成了改良儿童早期预警评分(Modified Pediatric Early Warning Score,MPEWS),而且已经证实其可在儿科急诊的不同医疗环境和不同系统疾病中应用。

关键词: 改良儿童早期预警评分;儿科急诊;急诊医学


How to quickly and accurately identify critically ill or potentially critically ill children in a crowded emergency environment has always been an important research topic in the field of pediatric emergency. In recent years, the researchers have proposed a disease assessment tool: Pediatric Early Warning Score, PEWS. the score use objective physiological indexes to make scientific diagnosis of disease. In combination with the local medical situation, it has been modified and developed into the Modified Pediatric Early Warning Score, MPEWS. It has been confirmed that MPEWS can be used to evaluate children's condition in different medical Settings and different system diseases in pediatric emergency department.

Key words: Modified Pediatric Early Warning Score; Pediatric Emergency; Emergency medicine

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向德航, 改良儿童早期预警评分的研究进展[J]. 国际儿科研究杂志, 2022; 2: (4) : 16-19.